caprese salad roll ups

caprese salad roll ups

The timeless Caprese salad, originating from the charming island of Capri in the 1920s, beautifully embodies the colours of Italy’s flag—green, white, and red. Celebrating simplicity and freshness, these Caprese salad roll-ups offer a modern twist on the classic, transforming its iconic ingredients into perfect bite-sized finger food. TweetFacebookLinkedInTumblrStumbleDiggDelicious

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prosciutto-wrapped monkfish

prosciutto-wrapped monkfish

Over the last decade I have made a conscious effort to support farm-to-table and know your farmer or fisherman, but sometimes not knowing what your food looks like before it lands on the table is good thing!  Let me explain. Take monkfish, for example, it’s one helluva an ugly fish!  Its body is composed mainly…

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prosciutto and cabbage frittata

prosciutto cabbage frittata - foolproof meal

If you mention the word cabbage to your carnivore friends, the most likely response will come in the form of a scrunched up nose as they take a step backwards.  But, tell them it’s encased in a prosciutto base with Parmesan cheese and suddenly you’re all buddy-buddy with them.  This dish I am about to…

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prosciutto rolls – an easy snack to make

prosciutto rolls

Easy to make; my three favorite words.  In my culinary world, nothing pleases me more than to whip up an elegant-looking appetizer using only 3 ingredients.  Our friends, Ralph and Michelle, stayed with us last weekend and Thursday was the only night we were eating at home.  My head was spinning with food ideas I…

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prosciutto wrapped tomato

The holiday season is just around the corner and it’s that time of the year when we’re out socializing and entertaining at home. The thought of entertaining can be intimidating for both the novice and the experienced.  When I know I am having friends over, I generate a plan, cook ahead, stay within my limits…

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Haddock Saltimbocca

The classic saltimbocca dish consists of thin slices of veal topped with a sage leaf, wrapped in a prosciutto slice, and sautéed in butter. If prepared properly, saltimbocca should melt in your mouth.  Other variations can include chicken or pork.  While haddock saltimbocca isn’t a typical Italian dish, these tender morsels were absolutely delicious.  This…

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