Greek Style Tuna Carpaccio
Having just returned from a glorious 10 day cruise around the Eastern Mediterranean (which included 4 ports in Greece), this recipe seems to be so appropriate for a couple of reasons. One, I just discovered Jamie Oliver (my all time favorite chef) has a new magazine out called, ‘Jamie Magazine’.
I’ve been a Jamie fan ever since his cooking show (The Naked Chef) was aired back in 2000. Jamie now has 12 cookbooks and out of these cookbooks, I have 8 of them. So you can well imagine my delight when I was in the bookstore the other day and saw his magazine! The other reason this recipe is appropriate is that The Culinary Chase is moving back to Canada! Yay! Anyway, all of my cooking gear is enroute to Canada so we’re living in a serviced apartment which means cooking paraphernalia is shall we say, limited. So bear with me, dear reader, while I try to be creative enough to be able to post more recipes.
Serves 4
recipe from Jamie Magazine
400g sashimi-grade tuna loin
1/2 cucumber, sliced into matchsticks
4 tablespoons good quality Greek yogurt
2-3 lemons
8 sprigs of baby mint, leaves picked
extra virgin olive oil
Slice the tuna as thinly as you can – this dish is all about a delicate touch. Lay the tuna slices on 4 plates, then sprinkle over the cucumber. Loosen the yogurt with squeezes of lemon juice to taste, then spoon tiny pools of it onto the plates. Scatter over the mint, and finish with olive oil, sea salt and freshly ground black pepper.
The Culinary Chase’s Note: Wow! So simple and this dish oozes freshness! I have one kitchen knife which isn’t very sharp so put the tuna loin in the freezer for around 20 minutes to make it easier to slice. If I had my Global knives, I wouldn’t have to do that. By the way, have you ever wondered what sashimi-grade means? Me, too! So I searched the web and found Chow Hound had exactly the same question. Click here to read what he found out and you decide. Cheers!
Yum, love carpaccio! So you live in Thailand but you are moving back to Canada? So you are Canadian? What part of Canada? Bet you’re missing the poutine! xxx
Thanks Curious Cat! Yes, 100% 4th generation Canadian from the Maritimes! And yes, whenever we’re back in Canada poutine is one of the first things I crave…….second to seafood! 🙂