braised chicken wings – happy Chinese new year!

braised chicken wings Chinese style

With Chinese New Year one week away, this celebration always gets me in the mood for Chinese cuisine.  Our time spent in Asia saw us with a keen curiosity for local food and traditions surrounding holidays and events.  While I have tried a variety of Chinese food, some came with much distaste (chicken feet, innards…

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prosciutto and cabbage frittata

prosciutto cabbage frittata - foolproof meal

If you mention the word cabbage to your carnivore friends, the most likely response will come in the form of a scrunched up nose as they take a step backwards.  But, tell them it’s encased in a prosciutto base with Parmesan cheese and suddenly you’re all buddy-buddy with them.  This dish I am about to…

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Pepperoni Pesto

When I think of pesto my mind immediately sees plump basil leaves, pine nuts, a mound of freshly grated Parmesan cheese and smashed garlic bound together with olive oil.  But when we think ‘outside the box’, a funny thing happens…we tend to experiment.  There are oodles of options out there when rethinking the term pesto. …

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Oven Roasted Rutabaga Fries

rutabaga fries

Confession time. I always thought the word rutabaga was a fancy term for a turnip. So for clarity, here’s the scoop on both – I know you want to get to the bottom of this.  While surfing the web I found out that a rutabaga (aka swede or yellow turnip) is the cross between a…

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