Brussels sprout
fried Brussels sprouts
When thinking about what appetizer to serve, most cooks don’t consider using cabbage and even less think about Brussels sprouts! As a kid, you would NEVER hear me say, “oh yes please, may I have more!” I disliked them for years. It wasn’t until I was and at my great aunt’s home when she served…
Read MoreBrussels Sprout Salad
Salads take on many forms from the traditional and the not-so-traditional like the one posted here. Brussels sprouts are not every persons cup of tea but I’ll bet if you try it as a salad with the following delicious ingredients, I think you just might be pleasantly surprised. Brussels sprout salad not only is esthetically…
Read MoreBrussels Sprout Salad with Garlic & Goji Berry Dressing
I was first introduced to goji berries when we lived in Asia. The berries come from a shrub native to China and the Chinese have been eating them for generations (they believe it’ll help in living longer). I’ve never eaten fresh goji berries only the dried version. This orange-red berry is rich in antioxidants, helps…
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