watermelon fruit jelly

watermelon fruit jelly

Gelatine desserts have been around for centuries and there are many ways to serve.  One of the first ‘grown-up’ gelatine desserts I made was raspberries in chardonnay jelly.  TweetFacebookLinkedInTumblrStumbleDiggDelicious

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watermelon baby carriage

watermelon baby carriage

Last month I happily hosted a baby shower for my daughter (it’s our first grandchild).  I loved planning it!  The last time I hosted a baby shower was for my friend Michelle who was expecting twins…that was 35 years ago!  I was trying to recall what I served and what stood out was the watermelon…

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Halibut Ceviche with Watermelon

Ceviche (seh-BEE-chay), popular in Central and South America, is a seafood dish and consists of raw fish marinated in citrus juice and seasoned with chilies and chopped coriander.  The citric acid in the juice cooks the fish making the flesh opaque and firm just as if it had been cooked over heat.  The first time…

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