diy turtles candy (a canadian confectionery)

turtles candy

I enjoy noshing on select candies, and Turtles is one of them.  Pretty impressive considering I don’t have a sweet tooth but the combination of pecans with caramel and chocolate makes it hard for me to resist.  This candy recipe is foolproof. TweetFacebookLinkedInTumblrStumbleDiggDelicious

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chocolate bark sour gummies

sour gummies

As a kid and even to this day, I have never really had a sweet tooth.  Many a Halloween I would pick through the goodies and then begin bartering with my siblings.  If there were too many marshmallow treats, milk chocolate candies, etc. those were the first to go.  Anything sour, however, was the last…

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gummy robots

gummy robots

On Sunday I hosted a baby shower for our daughter, Laura.  It was a stunning day and the event was a huge success; lots of laughter and mini conversations all about the momma-to-be.  Laura is expecting a boy! Our party planning discussions included gummy bears.  The thing was, though, the gummies we wanted weren’t available.…

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chocolate coated toffee

butter toffee with chocolate

Hello 2017!  By now most of you are back to your daily routine.  Our Christmas decorations and tree are still up but it’ll all be put to bed come Friday – or at least the tree will be stripped and out on the sidewalk (garbage collection day).  Over the holidays I made my usual goodies…

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Christmas Bark

If you make your own candies then I applaud you for your dedication and patience.  Years ago, a friend of my mom’s would stop by to drop off her annual Christmas gift of handmade candy.  Mrs. Scarborough would spend hours on her candies and they looked so delicate and professional.  She would tenderly explain to…

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Peanut Butter Cups

When I was little, I wasn’t a huge fan of candy. Mom always had her candy drawer fully stocked but I was never that enticed to ‘snatch’ something from it – unless it was red licorice.  Every Christmas mom would have boxes of Ganong chocolates that would get distributed throughout the holiday season.  I would…

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