Yorkshire Pudding
Our Sundays typically consist of a quick breakfast, chat on skype with John’s sister and mom in England and then off to church. I’m usually thinking about what to serve for dinner when all of this is going on and I have to thank Angie, my sister in-law, as she was having roast beef and Yorkshire pudding for her dinner. After John ended the skype chat he said that sounded like a good idea.
Yorkshire is a county in northern England and the first recorded evidence of Yorkshire pudding came from a recipe for ‘A Dripping Pudding’ published in The Whole Duty of a Woman (1737). The recipe is made from an egg, flour and milk and cooked in a large shallow tin containing a layer of very hot beef drippings (fat). Individual puddings are not considered authentic. To be proper, the pudding is cut into squares and served with gravy before the meat – to take the edge off any hunger pains. I grew up with individual puddings and on a few occasions mom would serve it the authentic way. But, for the culinary artist in me, I’ll make the individual puddings and take absolute pleasure watching them rise.
Makes 6
adapted from Jamie Oliver
3 eggs (room temperature)
115g flour
285ml milk
pinch of salt
olive oil (or beef drippings)
6 cup popover pan
Preheat oven to 450f.
Whisk the eggs, flour, salt, and milk together really well in a bowl to make your batter. Pour the batter into a jug, and let it sit for 30 minutes before you use it. Place popover pan in oven for 5 minutes or until hot. Remove from oven and add 1 tablespoon of oil (or beef drippings) in each muffin hole. Place popover pan back into the oven and heat until oil is very hot (about 5 minutes). Open oven door, slide the tray half out, and carefully pour the batter into the muffin holes – make sure it’s evenly distributed. Close the door and cook for 15 – 20 minutes without opening the oven door. Serve immediately.
The Culinary Chase’s Note: The secret to the perfect popover is a hot oven, batter at room temperature, the pan hot and with hot drippings or hot oil. And, DO NOT open the oven door while they’re baking! Enjoy
Great article, it’s great to hear about the Yorkshire traditional dish making waves across the globe!
I’m the UK Yorkshire Pudding champion, my recipe is available at http://www.YorkshirePudd.co.uk feel free to check it out and give me your feedback!!
Thanks Christopher! Just watched your video on how to make Yorkshire pudding – good one! Cheers.
You need to stir the batter back together briefly before you pour it into the tin as the flour will have settled slightly while it stands. And while Popover tins work they don’t give the classic shape. You’d be better using a muffin tin tray to get more authentic ones where the sides are much higher than the middle. Oh and they freeze well. Just reheat for about 5 mins at 350oC.